What It Means To Be a CEO

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A Founder’s Guide to Navigating Difficult Decisions
Every CEO and Founder faces innumerable high-leverage decisions, and without a framework for making them, they can make missteps weighed down by emotion. Benoy Tamang is the Founder and CEO of BlueRiver Direct, a high-performance CEO coaching firm. Previously, Benoy served as the CEO of eFileCabinet, ShoppingNanny, and Sapha. In this guide, Benoy walks through how to approach difficult decisions as a CEO from a position of clarity rather than unconscious incompetence (fear).
Hive Collective (2)
Core Management Skills: Coaching, Feedback, Productivity, and One-on-Ones
LifeLabs Learning is a leadership skills accelerator that’s served 2,300+ companies, including CapitalOne, TED, Reddit, Spotify, and The New York Times. This guide walks through key skills in the manager toolkit, including offering question-based coaching, providing specific and actionable feedback, prioritizing with limited resources, and holding developmental 1-on-1 conversations.
Dan Montgomery
Managing OKRs
Daniel Montgomery is the Founder and Managing Director of Agile Strategies, a boutique OKR consultancy that helps companies achieve transformative results in growth, innovation, focus, alignment, and engagement. In this guide, Daniel explains how to create strategically aligned and well-crafted OKRs, create an effective management cadence that translates OKRs into weekly action commitments, and integrate OKRs into the operating model of the organization.